Chemicals and skin allergies

There's been a lot of publicity lately after a report, originally in the UK Telegraph, that chemicals in household products, skin creams, cosmetics and related products may be responsible for an epidemic of skin allergies. The preservative—known as MI—is used in a wide range of products, from shampoos, moisturizers and shower gels.” It's also in many makeup and baby wipes.

It's believed that the chemical is second after nickel in causing contact allergies, says The Telegraph. Contact dermatitis and eczema are reported as the most common results. Avoid MI whenever you can.

How to avoid dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is defined by the National Eczema Association as inflammation of the skin and is caused because your skin fails to retain water. Solutions recommended by the NEA include not using soap and avoiding cleansers, especially when outbreaks occur. Many skincare experts advise not to use soap or cleansers full of chemicals on your complexion—ever—and the message is starting to be heard. “I'm so proud of my Black Label epiCARE range of natural beauty products—which are natural and preservative and chemical-free. They are good for you!” Maxine

Saving the skin from dermatitis

“I'm also very pleased that The WARSH Cloth does such a marvelous job of cleaning your complexion with water only. That means no chemicals to strip your skin, yet you get a lovely fresh and clean feel and in exfoliates while it works,” 

“This may be one reason it's so popular—because it doesn't dry out your skin as cleanser chemicals do. People love the result. And also—as we now know—The WARSH Cloth doesn't contribute to the flare up or development of allergies. It leaves a clean palette for the addition of moisturizers and other treatments.”

Avoid baby wipes and chemicals

The situation with baby wipes is equally as ominous, with chemicals said to cause dryness, irritation, and allergies—exactly the issues you want to avoid with a baby or toddler. The Baby WARSH Cloth works in the same way, with water only, for cleaning, swishing round all the tender folds and nooks and crannies around baby's arms, legs, neck, and elsewhere.
It doesn't cause allergies or dryness—and helps avoid these issues.

Check out our online Skincare Shop.


Natural skin care

from Maxine Warsh!

How much water should you drink?

We hear it so often that we accept it without question—drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces each of water a day, or 8x8. But is this accurate? 

It depends. According to Web MD, the Institute of Medicine advises that men need about 125 ounces of liquid daily and women 91 ounces. The first thing to note is that the liquid doesn't all have to be water. The second? Most of us are probably getting enough hydration if we eat an average diet from food and beverages. Did you know that an apple is 84% water, broccoli is 91%, and a plain bagel 33%?

Also, take note of what you're drinking—alcohol is dehydrating. Coffee and sodas are hydrating, but caffeine is a natural diuretic. Water is the best choice because it's free and calorie-free.

How much water you need in a day depends on a number of factors from your age to your gender, health, weight, activity level, and even the weather. If it's hot and you're perspiring--you probably need to drink more water. But you may also need more water in other extreme weather conditions such as when it's cold, humid, or you're at high altitude. Children need lots of liquid—they get dehydrated more easily than the rest of us and seniors may need to drink extra liquid because of health issues. Heavier people need more water also. 

Can you drink too much water and does it matter? 

It's uncommon, according to the Mayo Clinic, but if  “your kidneys are unable to excrete the excess water, the electrolyte content of the blood is diluted, resulting in hyponatremia.” This mostly affects endurance athletes such as marathon runners and is rare in healthy adults who eat the average diet. But some health conditions including “heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and require that you limit your fluid intake.”

If you're exercising intensely (or for more than an hour), experts recommend sports drinks that contain sodium.  “This also reduces the chances of hyponatremia, which can be life-threatening,” says the Mayo Clinic. For short periods of exercise or any activity that makes you perspire, drink an extra 1.5 to 2.5 glasses of water. 

According to Web MD: Our kidneys process 20 to 1000 ml of fluid per hour. So it's not easy to go into fluid overload, but it can happen if you drink too much, too quickly. Symptoms include weight gain, nausea, and bloating and may reduce the sodium levels in your blood, “which can result in headaches, confusion, seizures, and coma.”

Can you lose weight by drinking water?

Studies show this to be true—when you drink before a meal it fills you up and you tend to eat less/fewer calories, and many weight lost experts recommend this as standard procedure. Longer-term studies need to be carried out—but anecdotal evidence says it works!

Best Health says it's important to remember that skin is up to 15 percent water and in climate-controlled offices, where humidity never goes about 8 to 10 percent, moisture in the skin evaporates more quickly than it can regenerate. So be sure to drink plenty!

Whether you monitor your water intake or are sure you're getting your liquids from your healthy diet, the bottom line is that water keeps your body and brain working. Without it your health would suffer—so if you're thirsty, drink up!

Remember: in general, we can survive up to about three weeks without food, but only three days to a week without water. Always pack water in your car and in your 'just in case' bag when you're on your travels or in unfamiliar landscapes/terrain... just in case!



Best exercises and what to avoid

Yoga benefits

Exercise is good for us—but too much of the wrong type can have serious and long term repercussions. That's why yoga, which has been practised for over 5000 years, is considered a very good choice. And it's good for everything... to reduce stress and enhance well-being and improve our physical and general health. Yoga can improve brain function, burn calories, give you stronger bones, lower blood pressure, increased flexibility and tone... and much more

Strength training benefits

Another good type of exercise—especially for women—is strength training with weights. Always check your doc first to see what you're able to handle. Our metabolism slows and bones and muscles deteriorate as we age. So any exercise is good—but strngth training is better, particularly for the over 60's. Apparently we tend to lose 5 lbs of muscle and gain 15 lbs of fat every decade starting in midlife. Dieting might help with weight loss, but it won't replenish the muscle. (Try Strength Training for Women Over 60--see livestrong)


Which exercises to avoid?

Most of us know that jogging is hard on the knees and lower joints  (for starters). This is especially important to remember if you want to stay active at every age. Too much standing and walking can contribute to heel spurs and other issues. Also try to avoid sit-ups. Harvard Medical School says that, for a harder core, we should skip sit-ups and crunches, which can harm your back. Stick to the plank.

Check out other  exercises to avoid, which includes crunches (yeah!), upright rows, and even the seated hip-abductor machine. These trainer favorites are not always as good for us as we like to believe.

Expensive sports injuries

Natural skin care moisturizers

Check out the Maxine Warsh all-natural skin care product range.

No preservatives or chemicals.

Recouping from sports injuries can not only be painful but expensive and the physio you may need can lead to further problems. A New Zealand study showed that, over a five-year reporting period of a group of insurance claimants receiving physiotherapy reported in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Injury, claims attributed to exercise were related to physiotherapy in 31.5% of cases and to manual therapy in 26.5% of cases. Oops.

So choose your physiotherapist well, on the recommendation of a doctor preferably, and check their professional affiliations.


And to give your face a good wash after your workout? The miracle worker WARSH Cloth should be in your gym bag!

p.s. And if your kids (sorry, young adults!) are heading back to school after the hols—or if you or any of your family are traveling, where sticking to a healthy diet that's also good for your complexion may fall victim to the temptations of eating out or fast food. . . keep everyone's complexions in good shape and pack The WARSH Cloth for Her, for Acne, for Teens, and for Men.






Wednesdays with the Warsh's!

At the ROM for a visit to the Iris van Herpen Transforming Fashion Exhibit.

At the ROM for a visit to the Iris van Herpen Transforming Fashion Exhibit.


The fabulous Wednesdays with the Warsh's continue!

Iris van Herpen Exhibit—

Our amazing Wednesday this week saw us at the ROM for a visit to the Iris van Herpen Transforming Fashion Exhibit. We spent over three hours at the ROM and really enjoyed our visit. It surprises me how every week just gets better. I always say, “This was my favorite WWtW’s”...and then I hear myself say it again the following week and have to laugh!

“But one thing that stays constant...we usually end up at Parallel. This time we went for dinner instead of lunch, and the menu was wonderful! Next time, we need to take more people with us so we can order more of a variety...anybody want to join us--let me know!” Maxine



We enjoyed another wonderful Wednesday With the Warsh's this week at The Banksy Exhibition—a thought provoking exhibit in so many ways, from the marketing to the publicity to the artist. The Banksy Exhibit was well worth the price of admission for the amazing stimulation!


At the Edgy Elegance Jewelry House Party!

At the Edgy Elegance Jewelry House Party!

This week (6/20) we had a personal/professional day on Wednesday and enjoyed sound meditation sessions with Ann and Liam of ClearlyConscious.com (love the good vibrations!). Then, as part of my aging backward approach and following my passion, we carried on having fun. I have followed through on my fascination for jewelry and making necklaces and bracelets for fun (and profit!). I had my first showing at the Edgy Elegance Jewelry House Party at Palace Pier. Another marvelous Wednesday With the Warsh's!

Lunch at Restoration Hardware!

Lunch at Restoration Hardware!

This week's Wednesday with the Warsh's (6/13) turned out to be a TCB (taking care of business) day off, thanks to mother nature. We had promised ourselves we would review our financial well-being and do some future planning on the first rainy Wednesday—and this week was it!

Here we are after a leisurely morning enjoying a lovely lunch at the beautiful restaurant at Restoration Hardware. Summer is so precious and short—especially this far north—I feel blessed to be able to take advantage of our Wednesdays!” Maxine 


This week we went on a walking tour around town--it was such a gorgeous day. We took the subway to Queen Street and window shopped our way north into Yorkville for lunch at Nervosa.

The latest Wednesday with the Warsh's took us to Trattoria Nervosa in Yorkville!

The latest Wednesday with the Warsh's took us to Trattoria Nervosa in Yorkville!

While lunching we decided to see the Banksy art exhibit and the Yorkville Jazz Festival on the 27th (for more relaxing time with the Warsh's!). When walking through Yorkville, we bumped into friends we hadn't seen in ages. Then we decided to go to the movies and, before you know it, another delightful day turned to evening. Now we start to plan for next Wednesday! Any suggestions? 


For the latest adventure and special day out, my husband surprised me with a matinée at The Shaw Festival to see an excellent show and (of course!) a very tasty lunch out!


Three weeks ago, my handsome husband came home and told me he'd like us to take Wednesdays off to do all the things we talk about doing and never have time to do. I'm happy to report we started our midweek outings this week.


To be honest, there is so much I want to do I couldn't decide what to do first. So David suggested the Aga Kahn Museum, and I was delighted. A rich cultural display of art, beauty, and history that is unique unto itself. 

Here we are in front of the gift shop, that has a unique display of wonderful, pricey but useful items. I especially loved the perfume bottles. And I will definitely be returning to try the restaurant.


We had heard about a new Mediterranean restaurant called Parallel that caught our interest, so we skipped eating at the Aga Kahn Museum and headed over to Dufferin and DuPont (this is in Toronto for those of you who are local or planning to visit!) to an industrial area that is trending with old and new businesses. This meal was definitely worth fighting traffic for. All I can say is OMG...best food ever. So fresh and (is there a word that's better than delicious?) Very friendly staff and great artsy atmosphere. Did I say how great the food was


Fabulous lunch at Parallel in Toronto!

Fabulous lunch at Parallel in Toronto!

I have to admit, taking a midweek day off made me a bit uneasy... but the idea of spending some special time with my best friend seemed like such a romantic notion that I got into the spirit of semi-retirement for a day and enjoyed our new tradition beyond my expectations. Can't wait till next week!

My advice is to always take the time to smell the roses—or in my case, take a wonderful time out from the daily schedule—it's good for you in so many ways. (See the Face Talk posts on how sharing time with friends and loved ones helps not only your well-being but your long-term health if you need a reason to step back from the day-to-day!)

p.s. I have no intentions of retiring (EVER!!!!)


Is High Intensity Interval Training the fountain of youth?

It could be, says recent research into HIIT. A UK study showed that higher levels of exercise than the minimum requirement (150 minutes a week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of brisk) improves your sex life, your sleep, your mood, energy, and helps battle diseases such as diabetes two, cardiovascular problems, and certain cancers. 

Most of us don't get the 150 minutes of brisk walking, classed as a moderate exercise, that doctors recommend. Only one in five take the time to do this, and this inaction, apparently, is a leading cause of premature death.

Research also shows that while moderate is good—extreme exercise, even in short bursts, is better. Experts recommend not only keeping active—but say that HIIT as the way to go. Even if you only take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, you'll be doing yourself a favor, as this gives you a burst of activity. Read the CBC Report for more.

HIIT can stop cellular aging and rejuvenate the cells that create 'old' age and cause damage in the body, they say. Mayo Clinic research examined whether strength training or HIIT (high-intensity cycling, for example) had better results. The outcome for HIIT was astonishing at the 'cellular level.'

Strength training versus high intensity

Strength training helped with muscle mass, as expected. For the HIIT group, the mitochondrial functioning, which is needed to sustain life, improved by 69 percent among older study participants.  It improved insulin levels, heart and lung health, and other age-related declines. The conclusion was that there is no substitute for exercise to delay your body's aging process. And your best choice to keep on rejuvenating? The recommendation is to switch every few days between strength and HIIT—and that even choosing to take the stairs as a form of HIIT can be of huge benefit. From the Sydney Morning Herald.

Feel Good Diet Tips for Men

Tips for a healthy diet for men

You likely already know that diet recommendations for men and women differ—since we're coming up to Dad's Day, we're sharing a few tips on healthy diets for the good of our men's health and well-being! You likely also already know that the average calorie intake for men is 2500 and it's 2000 for women (for moderately active adults.)

The recommendation for protein is 55 grams a day (50 for women), and this should be shared among all main meals and amount to no more than the size of the palm of the person's hand at any one meal.

The carb recommended intake is 300 for men (260 for women) and should also be spread between main meals. Carbs should take up less than 1/4 of your plate at each meal. This may be a shock to the system for pasta lovers— but it's good to remember that while carbs supply energy, they are found in practically everything from fruit to grains, dairy, and starchy vegetables so you may be eating more than you intend. 

And if you're into protein snacks such as peanut butter or other nut butters—be aware that you should restrict these to a portion size the tip of your thumb and no more than two to three times a day.

More on Recommended Intakes from the BBC.

In general, men don't get enough nutrition, don't eat enough fiber, eat too many saturated fats,  and tend to drink too much, say experts—from alcohol to soda to juice. If you're not sure what you should be eating or serving for health (and longevity!) here are a few suggestions of superfoods for men—almonds, turkey breast, olive oil, and quinoa. See the rest in Superfoods for Men from Men's Journal.



Enhancing naturally—maturing with MAXAppeal


“The pro-aging industry and my approach to it is all about rejuvenation and refreshing. I believe wholeheartedly that when you look good you feel good and vice versa. The Face Talk blog and posts often talk about how and what to do to help inside—from the foods you eat to the exercises you choose—because this also helps on the outside. Feel Better and Look Better, aka The Age Less Revolution, is a Maxine Warsh mantra!


“But now that I'm approaching "senior status" on my next birthday, I've had an eye-opener. I must admit I never experienced the angst a birthday number can cause. I never understood those who had issues with age—until now! For some reason, the passage to 65 is a challenge. That said, I wouldn't change who I am at this time for all the youthful appearances promised by all the anti-aging products and procedures that exist. I'm finally able to relax and feel that I can see myself as who I am and be very happy to be that person.

“My take on maturity is about being comfortable in your own skin and liking who you are, while not judging anyone or caring what others think of you! If it took 65 years to get to this place, then so be it. It was worth all the life experiences it took to get here.


“I will continue to do all I can to look my best age-appropriate self naturally and I will be honored to continue to serve clients who want to look their youthful selves naturally. I won't try to be anyone I'm not, nor compare myself to anyone who I see as "prettier," "smarter," "more successful," etc. I have heard that "you can have everything in life, but not all at once" and I expect this is true! 

“So, that's my view of pro-aging as I reach that certain age... I hope this will replace any angst about aging with the satisfaction of maturity and knowing that I do have everything!” Maxine

p.s. My anti-aging/pro-aging(!) treatments fill the lines and wrinkles and plump up your skin. 
But it's the proactive spirit of pro-aging and of being happy with where and who you are now that has the most effect on what I call The Age Less Revolution, aka feeling great and looking good. Stay tuned for more on this topic!


Why watercress is good for you

Choose watercress for your health

At the top of many lists of healthy greens is watercress. The easiest solution for a patchy and splotchy complexion (which may mean you have circulation issues) could be to add this green vegetable and great salad ingredient to your diet. It's appearing on more and more menus these days—it has always been a staple in the UK… and may help explain the English peaches and cream complexion.

It's also good for you inside and out--with anti-cancer and cardiovascular benefits. Watercress is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, particularly “bone building and strengthening Vitamin K” and Vitamin A, says The Guardian. The latter is great for eye health.

The results of a study in the Daily Mail indicated that women on watercress noticed a visible improvement in skin texture, pores, and a reduction in redness. Watercress contains more Vitamin C than oranges and four times more beta carotene and Vitamin A than apples, tomatoes, and broccoli.beta carotene and Vitamin A than apples, tomatoes, and broccoli.beta carotene and Vitamin A than apples, tomatoes, and broccoli.beta carotene and Vitamin A than apples, tomatoes, and broccoli.

Poor circulation starves your skin of oxygen and nutrients. Watercress is high in iron, helping the blood to carry more oxygen throughout the body to oxygenate your skin. So next time you're at the supermarket,

Watercress is often found in salad-in-a-bag mixes, so it may already be part of your diet.

p.s.If you've been keeping up with Face Talk, watercress is # 3 on the Great Skin Food list overall.

p.p.s Alway wash/WARSH away the makeup and grime before you go to bed. And always use the Warsh Cloth and only water. Happy complexions start with clean.

Be wary of non-natural complexion products

“I like to talk about my all-natural beauty products and recommend that you only clean your face with water and my best-selling Warsh Cloths... but is there science behind the increased popularity of natural skincare?” Maxine

Absolutely. It's hard to quantify—but our skin is sensitive to what we put on it. Rates of absorption on our face and scalp can be 10 times higher than other parts of the body. We want the anti-aging and antioxidant ingredients in cosmetics to work on the dermis and epidermis—which means we want them to work their way into our skin. In turn, some of these ingredients (and chemical compounds/preservatives etc) work their way into our bodies. This is a good reason to check sell by dates and only use natural skincare. These products are made without preservatives and that means they won't last forever. 

If you choose to use only water (and Warsh Cloths) to wash your face, you're doing your skin and your body a favor by avoiding chemicals, preservatives, and drying compounds that might ease their way, even in minute quantities, into your body and your bloodstream.

The same applies to moisturizers and other treatments you apply to your skin. You might think they're working to fight the battle lines of age—wrinkles, but they might be doing a lot more than you anticipate. FDA and beauty products—more.

If you've ever looked at the shelf life of a face cream sold in a drug or department store, it's likely to be good for a year or two—or even longer. It is chock full of ingredients to enhance the longevity of the product and prevent bacteria, mold, etc. Many of the ingredients in these products are unregulated and include synthetic colors and fragrances, parabens and more.

“So my advice is, next time you buy a cosmetic product that isn't natural consider your health and your well-being.” Maxine

The chemical additives and preservatives in skin creams and lotions can also affect your skin's sensitivity--and it can often be these ingredients that are causing sensitive skin issues and breakouts. This is another reason to go au naturel with the beauty products you apply to your skin.

What to avoid in beauty products/Huffington Post

Cosmetic chemicals to avoid/ David Suzuki Foundation

p.s. check recent Face Talk posts on how what you eat affects your skin from the inside out!


What's new in beauty—

2018, says the experts, is all about simplification—in diet, in our schedules, life in general if we can manage it—and in beauty care. “This I know about,” says Maxine, “since simplification, clean, and natural have been at the core of my growing business since day one!”

Here are three of the top beauty trends for 2018.


These are big this year and Maxine Warsh was one of the first to offer microcurrent ‘face lifts’ and may be the only one offering a professional quality personal care unit, as well as hand-on treatment. She also provides professional training and education/courses.

Microcurrent is gentle and effective at plumping skin and filling in wrinkle lines—and the professional unit, supplied with a DVD and an easy step-by-step manual, won't give you that obvious look you might get from one of the commercial cheap, hand held units that seem to be popping up all over.

“You know someone's not been using a professional level unit when you see  ‘Chipmunk Cheeks.’  My professional use-at-home anti-wrinkle microcurrent unit can be used for just minutes a day and gives very happy results.” Maxine

The popularity of many kinds of non-invasive skin procedures such as microcurrent are rocketing according to industry insiders, says British Vogue.

“I'm so pleased my unit is such a leader in this area. My hands-on treatment and the DIY MiniPRO, so you can give yourself professional microcurrent ‘face lifts’ at home, are trendsetters. With thousands and thousands of treatments to date, I can truly say I love what it does to skin. And if time zipping by is having more of an impact that you would like and you decide to take it up a notch (with MESOTherapy, for example), microcurrent works extremely well with all injectables. Many clients tell me they are able to forget about other procedures or significantly reduce them, or do less surgery they relied on in the past, because of the cumulative plumping effects of microcurrent.” 


Another major trend is clean skincare. This means products without chemicals, preservatives, and with nothing that is bad for you. Clean means without any harmful ingredients. The all-natural skincare beauty products featured in the Black Label epiCare range are good for your skin and you—everything on the ingredient list is recognized and natural and safe—from Glycerin to Ascorbic Acid to Ginger, for example,—three of the ingredients on my clean Vitamin C Toning and Lifting Serum (epiSilk).  If this means they don't last quite as long on your shelf as many of the famous beauty brands, that's a good thing. (Black Label epiCARE has a shelf life that is limited--you can't keep it in your bathroom cupboard for years—this is because it's chem-free, preservative-free, and clean.)


Treating your body with the same natural care as you do your face is another big trend we're already seeing. Slathering on a clean, all-natural moisturizer that you can use anywhere/any time is recommended The Black Label epiCREME is good for your body and can be used on your body, hands, and face if you wish, also. Do it as soon as you step out of the shower or bath and twice a day. if you can. This is important as your skin gets older, especially if you're experiencing the indoor dryness from the bitter winter many of us have been having. A special note, particularly if you're unwell or diabetic—illness, stress, or chronic ailments that affect your health take their toll on your skin. Be sure to moisturize all over to avoid dryness and chafing.

Stay tuned for more Beauty Trends next time!

“When I'm 64”—On Looking Good and Feeling Great

 This is the year—

You’re probably humming a popular Beatles tune by now. It seems shocking, but this is the year it will be accurate when I sing along, “Will you still need me…when I’m 64?”

It’s no mistake that I went into the anti-aging business. This choice was an extension of how I lived my life. Always nutrition and diet conscious, always an exercise enthusiast, and makeup lover—the only business I could be in is one that's all about how to look good and feel great!

Anti-aging Toolbox

I’d never say that I still see the same woman in the mirror as when I started, nor that I always like what I see as my numbers increase. But why criticize when I have a fabulous box of tools? I like to do what works—from diet to exercise to anti-aging disciplines, And I like to l share my regime as I make the necessary changes, so here are some of my favorite things to do leading up to “when I'm 64.”


  • Meditate every morning for 45-60 minutes (ongoing 24 years!)
  • Exercise 3 times a week for 45 minutes with weights
  • Drink Fire Water: 1 TBSP fresh lemon juice, 1 pinch cayenne pepper, 1 TBSP honey. Add 12 oz. boiling water, mix, and sip. I have two a day.
  • Coffee, then breakfast of a smoothie of mixed fruit and veggies, or fresh fruit and yogurt. Often I eat fruit crumble topped with yogurt. (see recipe below!)
  • Enjoy a leisurely bath in a tub of essential oils (See the Aromatherapy Beauty Guide) My favorite oils to bathe with are either Patchouli, Sandalwood, or Lavander and I always add Epsom salts and a carrier oil to the bath water.
  • Of course, I always wash (Warsh!) my face with the Warsh Cloth for Her
  • I give myself a daily feather treatment with my own Microcurrent MDXminiPro (designed for use at home and available here!) and also feather in my own  Maxine Warsh Collagen Correction Black Label product—for 5-8 minutes. (It works wonders!)
  • Then I put on the day's makeup (As I age, I need more illumination. I like Illumalift Brightener and Concealer so much I started carrying this breakthrough makeup for my clients.)

As I seek more help to keep the youthful glow, I use the best experts in all related fields of natural anti-aging and introduce them to my clients. This year I introduced Dr. Biba to add Mesotherapy to the range of services. (For when you need a little more of an anti-aging boost, and if you're in the Toronto area—try Collagen MesoTherapy Lifts). The skin loves the collagen boost and the microcurrent maintains the long-lasting effects. Dr. Biba is also offering hyaluronic fillers when necessary. So subtle and oh so helpful...never say never! I love my work.

After work, I concentrate on the favorite part of my life, my husband. I love taking care of him and we both like our evenings together. While we try to eat our largest meal at lunch time, I concentrate on dinner with a healthy imagination and think about weight control. What we eat in the evening depends on what we had for lunch and whether we’re working out the next morning. Dinner is usually light and nutritious consisting of a salad as a meal or side dish, protein, and veggies. (I like to make cauliflower pizza--stay tuned for that great and healthy recipe--coming soon!)

And there’s always room for dessert!

Recipe: Healthy Berries Plus

  • Add a large amount of mixed berries to a baking dish
  • Top with 2/3 cup of almond flour, 1 heaping cup of oats, 3 heaping TBSP's coconut oil, 1/3 cup of maple syrup.
  • Mix this topping and coat the berries.
  • Bake in a 350 oven for 30 minutes.
  • Eat as a dessert and for breakfast. I often add nuts, seeds, and raisins as a topping.

“I don’t believe in “Beauty Secrets.” I believe in sharing since I love seeing everyone looking and feeling their best.” Maxine Warsh





Great Skin Foods #6

Why you should make cumin part of your diet

Cumin—found in chili and curries and many other spicy dishes—not only tastes great, it is an aid to digestion, and may help battle various diseases from diabetes to colon cancer and even the common cold. The so-called “fat-burning spice” has anti-fungal and microbial/disinfectant properties and, of course, the seeds are loaded with antioxidants like vitamin E. Cumin--in seed and powder form— is full of calcium, iron and magnesium and has long been used in traditional medicines around the world. 


Anti-Inflammatory cumin

The spice that helps to give chilli and curries their tasty flavors can also help prevent signs of aging like sagging, brown or age spots, and wrinkles, so it's good for your skin from the inside out. It's an anti-inflammatory and helps as a prevention against cancer and other life threatening diseases such as heart and circulation problems.

 If you're pre-diabetic (or worried about becoming so!) or interested in losing weight for other reasons, be sure to spice it up with cumin! Research shows that cumin seeds help to regulate blood sugar. Cumin as part of a diet may help prevent diabetes development and is useful to treat those with diabetes. It is also been shown to be helpful in weight loss, decreasing body fat, and naturally lowering cholesterol levels.

The six foods (and spices!) we've covered in this series of Great Skin Foods # 1-6 alone don’t guarantee a wonderful complexion. Nothing replaces a great skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle. But including them in your usual diet will be a great first step to healthy, glowing skin!

And the next step should be using the Warsh Cloth every day to wash (Warsh!) your face with water only to give your skin a fresh start every time you clean it. Rejuvenate with Maxine Warsh.


Great Skin Foods # 5

Why you should eat more nuts and seeds

If you eat only fish for your omega 3 fats, you may be missing out. Seeds and nuts are an excellent source and one of the best plant-based solutions for ALA Omega 3’s. Walnuts have 2.7 grams in a quarter cup… Omega-3s are great for heart health—and they can help make your skin stronger and more flexible. This means it is more resistant to sagging and wrinkles.

We tend to think of nuts and seeds as high calorie and high fat, but experts say because they contain protein, fibre, and anti-oxidants and plant stanols to control cholesterol, they definitely should be a part of a healthy diet—especially if you have diabetes (or are heading towards it).

Nuts may help you to lose weight—

Research also shows that a handful of nuts and seeds daily—full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats— fights inflammation and is good for your heart health, your brain(!) and your tummy. It may even lead to weight loss. This sounds counter-intuitive, but the benefits of nuts (protein, fibre etc.) in filling you up may make you eat less of unhealthy other foods.  Read all about it!

Walnuts are one of my favorite snacks! Maxine

For more on what you can do from the inside out to improve your health and your complexion, sign up for regular tips and updatesl (scroll down the page) and receive regular burst of useful info in your inbox!


To make an immediate change to help your complexion—start using The Warsh Cloth to clear away makeup and grime with water only.
We call it The Little Miracle Worker for a reason!

Great Skin Foods # 4

Number 4 on the list of Great Skin Foods is Cilantro--also known as Coriander. It's full of good things including minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and magnesium, Vitamins A, C, B, and K and antioxidants. What's not to like?

It has antiseptic, antifungal, disinfectant, antibacterial and antioxidant properties—read the details.

These benefits make coriander/cilantro good for you inside and out. Many makeup products are full of ingredients that are bad for our skin and this includes heavy metals. Mercury can be found in skin creams. Lead is very common in lipsticks—even in name brands, according to recent FDA studies. Mercury exposure is believed to have a damaging impact on the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and your skin.

“Cilantro/coriander is what is known as a natural chelator—helping to draw heavy metals such as mercury and lead out of tissues. I suggest you play it safe and sprinkle cilantro into your soup or sandwich whenever you can—it may be good for your general health and also help your skin glow.” Maxine

While coriander and cilantro are the same plant, coriander seeds have a different, spicier flavor/purpose—often used in curries and stews—so they are not interchangeable (says Rachel Ray!)

p.s. If you're interested in DIY Facial Rejuvenation, check out the MDX MINIPro Microcurrent from Maxine Warsh and how it can rejuvenate your skin in minutes a day--save with the 15% Off Anniversary Special.

p.p.s. And if you're more interested in a new life as well as a new look—consider training as an anti-aging expert with Maxine Warsh. You can be working for yourself in a quick start new career that is remarkably low budget and cost-effective! Contact Maxine for details.

How to Work Smarter



Continuously adding more items to our To Do lists isn't the route to well being. You don't have to follow through on every idle plan or half-baked project—you don't have to learn French or how to skydive—unless you really want to. Follow Arianna's Huffington's advice in The Third Metric: assess your tasks and then drop them if they're not that important. This frees time and leaves more energy for what is most important to you. This includes family, friends, and following your own muse. Do you need creative time? Sports time? More nap time? Take it. You can say no.

The key word here is YOU. We don't like to think of ourselves as quitters. So we go on and on, sticking to tasks long after we've lost motivation. Or we may be working so much overtime that life has lost its  pleasure. Many of us forget that “life is not a dress rehearsal.” A weekend spent staring at your iPad instead of with your friends or family—is still a weekend that's gone forever.


Saying no should be enough when other people press--or your silent worrier self does. Stop making excuses or thinking up reasons. No is sufficient.  This is another take home from Arianna Huffington: NO is a sentence. Women tend to say, “No, because...”  Men rarely do.   However high we may have advanced career-wise, most of us still say, “No, because..., as in, No, I can't finish that project at home tonight because my laptop is on the fritz plus all four kids have flu...” Try just saying no.

Work smarter instead of harder or longer or more—this may be the best route to the top for women, says Arianna H.

On Changing Direction
“I was very interested by the idea that dropping a project can be the way forward,” says skin care expert Maxine Warsh. “I've been guilty of letting distractions get in the way of what I really want to do. You don't have to batter your brains out trying to finish or learn something you no longer have time or need for—simply stop doing it. I'm so aware of the value of being aware and incorporating all the elements that help you live a better life, feel better and, of course, look better.... sometimes, it's simply making the right choices (big and small!) that plays the key role in your well-being.”

Work for you instead of your boss: quick training on a light budget from Maxine Warsh to become an anti-aging practitioner!

Appeared first in gabbymag.com



Enter our “Why You Love The Warsh Cloth” Contest

Is that makeup on your face?

Then you're probably not using The Warsh Cloth to clean your complexion—because The Warsh Cloth cleans away makeup and grime (and exfoliates!) using water only.

“Because I truly believe the Warsh Cloth is the best way to clean your face of makeup (and a lot of people are starting to agree with me!) I want to do everything I can to help spread the word.

So I'm running a contest!

“Let me know how much you love your Warsh Cloth on a short (60 seconds or even less is fine) video or in writing and why.

“We'll enter your name in a contest to win a free Warsh Cloth for Her pack of six plus my entire epiCARE Black Label natural skin care product line!” Maxine

Email me with your testimonial or video by Wednesday, August 9th or send a link where you've posted it! (Use the form below or email to send your video.)

The winner will be chosen at random (from one of Maxine's hats...) and announced at the end of August when this super prize package will be awarded.

p.s. Don't forget to watch your inbox for news of other contests and offers and health, anti-aging, and complexion tips. When you enter, your name will be added to our mailing list if you're not already on it—this will never be shared and you can, of course, take yourself off at any time! (But I hope you won't!)

This Week at Miss World Canada

We participate at or sponsor a number of events throughout the year and are very pleased to be a sponsor at this year's Miss World Canada.

“I love having the opportunity to meet so many lovely and charming people and to introduce the Miss World Canada candidates to the fantastic benefits of The Warsh Cloth!”

Thanks to Miss World Canada candidate Kayla Truax for such a great testimonial!

“As a beauty pageant girl, makeup is very important and so is a nice, clean, exfoliated, acne-free face! I found it extremely hard to always have makeup on and to stay away from harsh chemicals that would age and be harsh on my skin when removing it and trying to accomplish all of the above.

“Thankfully I tried the Warsh Cloth and fell in love! It's extremely easy to use; just put it under some warm water and start removing your makeup/sweat, etc! It works the first time, and not to mention, it's ECO-friendly AND saves you money in the long run! I highly suggest the Warsh Cloth as it ACTUALLY works to remove makeup, exfoliate, and to do SO much more!”


Kayla Truax

Baby wipes and chemicals

Chemicals could be responsible for an epidemic of skin allergies, say experts. The preservative— MI—is used in a wide range of products including makeup and baby wipes, and is reported to cause contact allergies, according to a UK report.

Contact dermatitis and eczema are reported as the most common results. Avoid MI whenever you can.

Soap and dermatitis

The National Eczema Association defines contact dermatitis as inflammation of the skin and solutions they recommend include not using soap and avoiding cleansers, especially when outbreaks occur.

Avoid baby wipes 

The chemicals in baby wipes are believed to be a big cause of dryness, irritation, and allergies—exactly the issues you want to avoid with a baby or toddler.

“Because the Baby WARSH Cloth cleans tender skin with water only—it's great for cleaning, swishing round all the folds and nooks and crannies around baby's arms, legs, neck, and elsewhere—I highly recommend it. They're great for goody bags and shower and new baby gifts and help get parent (and baby!) off on the right road to natural, careful skin care.” Maxine

Cleaning with water—the fibers are designed to do an excellent job without chemicals— doesn't cause allergies or dryness—and helps avoid these issues—and your baby will feel a lot happier!

More on the Warsh Cloth for Baby!

Anti-Aging Hairstyles

Anti-aging hairstyles refresh your look and may help you feel more confident at work and at play!

Making sure your crowning glory looks glorious and works to hide those facial imperfections that you don't like can have immediate anti-aging effects and is not that hard to do. 

How to Hide Chin Lines

Give spice to your life and ask your stylist for an anti-aging hiarcut. If they say, “what's that?” suggestions include layers up  top for volume to detract from jowly chin lines

“I always like to point out, at this point,” says Maxine, “that microcurrent treatment, which I provide if you're near Toronto and also offer a unit to purchase so you can give professional anti-aging DIY at home, helps with this!”
Change Hair Color?

Don't go for layers if your hair is thinning, however--it just makes it wispy and look flyaway and that's not what you should be going for. Or you may need a charge of fresh color to brighten you up. Women usually think we should go lighter as we go grey—but this is sometimes a wrong move. Darker gives a nice contrast, although not too dark. Keeping in your natural range also helps you feel more authentically you.  Another anti-aging tip is to go softer to frame the face. Add length to hide droops and sags, maybe even just a few wisps will do it.  Thick hair can overwhelm your lovely face. A good stylist may make all the difference, so try not to economize on this important step.

See some simple tips with before and after pix from Good Housekeeping.

Do you Have a 20-Year-Old Hairstyle?

It's not a good idea to keep the style you had at 20. This rarely works when you're 40 or 50—so sometimes a little tweak is in order. If you haven't tweaked lately, give it a try!

In a future post, we'll include tips on how to hide not-so-stellar complexions/brown spots and other signs of age plus more on how to create the skin you want to see in your mirror. Stay tuned! An excellent place to start is to always wash (WARSH!) with water only.

R& R (Revive and Rejuvenate) with Maxine Warsh