What will you look like 10 years from now?

The summer before grade 7 I was chunky. 

As a matter of fact, my father nick named me “Slim.”  (Thanks, Dad, nothing like the right message to support your overweight kid!) But on his behalf, he did promise me a new wardrobe if I lost weight. 

He wasn’t so wrong, after all. 
First, he made me insensitive to being called “names.”  I was even able to laugh at myself. A good survival tool for life. 

Secondly, he knew my weakness for clothes and used it to encourage a win-win outcome. I would lose the weight and get great clothes for grade 7!

And, he would stop calling me Slim and be proud of the way I looked.
That year I became very aware of the way I looked because I started to like boys.

Weight loss and new clothes ... something was still missing??? Confidence! 
What could that look like?

Dad came to the rescue again...
I loved Sergio Mendez and Brazil 66 (I was the only 7th grader I knew who did!) and my dad surprised me with tickets to a concert! 

Oh my goodness, I was so over the moon I couldn’t stand it. I planned my wardrobe and hair for weeks and felt like a million bucks walking into that concert, until I looked at the backup singers on stage. 

They were drop-dead gorgeous! If I could look like that, then, I would be happy and confident! (Remember, I’m 11 years old.)

It was then and there I realized that when you see what you want for yourself you can get it. You can have a picture of what you want and you can go forward with an aim.

It was that concert and those tall stunning singers that changed my life and set my career in motion. I announced to my father that I was going to look like those girls when I grew up. He smiled. I could tell he was pleased that I set unattainable goals for myself😉.

And I can safely say that I began my quest for Ageless Beauty when I was 11.
I never thought of age (and still don’t), but I knew I wanted to look and be beautiful and sophisticated forever.

Of course, I got my priorities straight as I grew up. But I never lost the desire to look as good as I could at every point in my life and still do!

I never stopped looking at photos of stunning women and use them as role models to this day.

I created a game for myself where I would project where I would be in the future. “In 10 years, I will fit into a size_____. In 10 years, I will look like _____. Get the picture? 

I was telling my business partner, Dr. Yen, that Elon Musk’s mother, Maye, is my new role model. She’s absolutely stunning in an ageless way. She’s gray, youthful, published, accomplished, and models as a 70-something-year-old. If her age wasn’t  public information, I’d have no idea nor care about her age. 

Why should I? 

All I know is that she looks fantastic and I now have someone who sets the target for what I can achieve as the birthdays pass by.

Why should we care about a number when we can look ageless at every stage of our lives? 

Who cares about their number? 
It’s looking your dream best at every stage of life. See it, Be it, Choose ageless and know you’re the best you, you can be.

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