Losing Her Face to Gravity :(

Droopy eyelids, sagging jowls, wrinkly forehead, turkey neck… Maggie's starting to see these on her face and knows she's losing the war against gravity.

At 54, she's in a good place right now with her family, her job, and life in general.

She sure wouldn't want to be 34 again.

Changing diapers and rushing from work to pick up the kids from school was not her idea of a fun time.

She doesn't even want to be 44 again.

Teenage girls and perimenopause do not mix well.  Period.

What she wouldn't mind is looking 44 again!

Raising a family and running a successful real estate business means she doesn't have a lot of time for herself.

And it shows.

She looks old and tired and, worse, she feels it, too :(

That's why she was on the phone with me asking me about the 12 Week Face Fitness Makeover.

To her surprise, I told her that's not the best place for her to start.

Yes, the 12 Week Face Fitness Makeover will absolutely tighten and tone her face muscles and help sculpt and lift her face.

But you don't go into the gym and immediately start working on your biceps.

And you shouldn't be working out your 43 face muscles without properly warming up the face and getting them ready to work.

Instead, I asked her to go through the Face Fitness Quick Start with me.

By investing 15 minutes a day on herself for 30 days, she can (and did) look five years younger and, more importantly, she felt ten years better.

There are a few things we focus on during the Face Fitness Quick Start.

We corrected her face posture.  By doing that, we SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the force of gravity that's constantly pulling her face downward.

We also increased blood circulation to her face and showed her how to increase hydration to her body by 40%, so her skin becomes smoother and healthier.

We dramatically improved her sleep quality, so she can wake up in the morning looking refreshed and feeling rested and ready to go.

We increased oxygen delivery to the tissues to boost her skin's cellular repair and regeneration, so she looks younger and feels revitalized.

Because Maggie was an excellent student and followed our instructions and did her homework diligently, the results were amazing (if I may say so myself!).

Her husband said she looked better than when she was 44, and she felt way waaaaay better than she did at 44.

Dr. Yen and I are putting together a small group of women to teach and coach through a 30 Day Face Fitness Quick Start.

If you think looking five years younger and feeling ten years healthier is worth spending 15 minutes a day on yourself for 30 days, and you'd like an invitation from us to join the 30 Day Face Fitness Quick Start, contact me.

I'll get the details to you as soon as I can.

If you have any questions about this, definitely let me know.

Here's to your Ageless Beauty! Maxine
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