“Maskne” Break Out?

With everyone wearing a mask these days, there’s an unintended consequence “breaking out” in strange new spots on the face.

Yes, masks can save lives.  So wear your mask.

But the friction and irritations caused by wearing a mask are pushing bacteria into the skin, creating micro-tears and inflammation, which is leading to…“MASKNE!”

I just learned this new word from my client Tina, which she learned from her dermatologist last week.

ACNE brought on by wearing a face mask :(

Apparently, dermatologists have known about this for a while now, thanks to the SARS “crisis” years ago.

(Boy, as bad as it was during SARS, I’m officially calling it the good old days compared to this monster we’re dealing with known as COVID.)

According to dermatologist Dr. Tiffany J. Libby, “maskne” usually breaks out at the bridge of the nose, chin, and cheeks. It can take the form of whiteheads, blackheads, abrasions, and cysts.

To avoid (or fix) maskne, there are two things you need to do.

First, make sure you clean your face PROPERLY.

Properly is the keyword.

You want to make sure you get rid of all the germs, grime, and urban dust from your face, without harming the crucial acid mantle that protects your skin.

Second, you want to make sure you keep the skin healthy and fully hydrated. 

Hint hint.  Drinking lots and lots of water and slathering your skin with moisturizer alone is NOT enough.

Beauty is not just skin deep, and your face is not only your skin.

If you want to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, you need to make sure you go beyond the skin and look at what’s underneath the skin.

Your 43 facial muscles act like a bump to increase circulation to your face while draining all the waste and toxins away from your skin.

This means you won’t have smooth, silky, healthy, beautiful skin if you don’t have face fitness!

Dr. Yen and I are thinking of helping a small group of women who want to work on their face fitness instead of just masking their age with lotions, potions, makeup, fillers, or botox.

We’ll show you and coach you through the Face Fitness Fundamentals designed specifically to revitalize your face, get rid of the tired look, and restore your youthful, healthy glow.

We’re calling it the Face Fitness 30 Day Quick Start.

If you’re willing to invest 15 minutes a day for 30 days on yourself, we’ll help you look at least five years younger and feel ten years healthier.

If that interests you and you want some more information, please contact me. Email here.

One thing I do want to make clear—this is not for everyone.

It does require some “work” on your part.

You’ll need to be coachable and willing to listen to instructions and make some adjustments in your beauty routine.

One of the first things we’ll be asking you to do is to tape your mouth when you sleep.

It helped Dr. Yen get rid of his bad breath; it helped Joanne get rid of her snoring; it helped Jenny with her canker sore; it helped Tina get rid of her dry mouth, and it will help YOU get the best beauty sleep you ever have.

If you’re not willing to do that, this is probably not for you.

On the other hand, if you think looking five years younger and feeling ten years healthier is worth 15 minutes of your time for 30 days, I invite you to join us.

Contact me, and I’ll send you a few questions to see if and how we’ll be able to help you and if we’re a good fit to work together.

And remember, wear your mask, wash your face properly (we’ll show you how during the Face Fitness 30 Day Quick Start), and stay safe.

Here’s to Your Ageless Beauty,  Maxine
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