Sugar is bad for your complexion

More and more studies are showing the negative effects of sugar on our health and wellness. But did you know that sugar also causes wrinkles?

Apparently it reacts with protein, which creates AGEs and causes cell structures to harden and skin to wrinkle.  This process of glycation reduce the effectiveness of collagen and elastin and make us look older. Eating fruit, which also has fibre and slows the absorption of sugar is not the problem—it's refined sugars that should be avoided at all costs. Most of us know by now to avoid refined carbs such as white flour, white bread, white sugar, white rice, and pasta—and stick to the whole grain or unadulterated varieties.  (With rice, stick to brown or wild rice.) Refined carbs raise your blood sugar levels quickly and have little nutritional value.

According to an article in Marie Claire and dermatologist Dr. Carl Thornfeldt, “sugar activates inflammation and binds to the collagen to make the skin stiff.” Reducing intake also reduces acne lesions and redness—and minimizes inflammation generally.

Avoiding refined sugars means avoid desserts including ice cream, cookies, donuts, and the usual (plus protein and fibre bars, etc.). Eat real fruit instead or make your own sweets with whole grains, where you can, and minimizing the sugar. (You can often use unsweetened apple sauce instead, but be sure to reduce the liquid to compensate—usually 1/4 to 1/3 cup.) Check the label of anything that comes in a package or bottle for sugar, glucose, lactose, honey, molasses and other sweeteners...and this means ketchup, chips (including taco chips), pasta sauce, cereals, soups, and dressings of all kinds.

Refined sugars add to inflammation, contribute to diseases such as cardiovascular and cancers, as well as type 2 diabetes. The average American consumes 350 calories of sugar daily or between 120 and 150 pounds a year. This is way too much. If it sounds like you, it's probably time for a change.

(Read this report in the Daily Mail for inspiration!)

Avoid simple sugars and choose complex carbs, such as brown rice and veggies, which don’t cause insulin spikes—and try to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Your skin will glow and feel fresh and bouncy (and unwrinkled!). p.s. and did you know, too much sugar and sugar spikes can cause excess hair growth and dark patches in skin folds and body creases? Read about it.

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