When should you start caring for your skin?

Don't wait too long to think about anti-aging

By the time you’re 25, the ATP that fuels muscles is starting to diminish. It’s never too soon and it’s never too late. Muscles begin to lose tone and skin starts to sag even in your twenties—and that means all over.

Your face needs help inside and out starting about now if you want to keep looking your best—so make sure you use lots of water inside and out—drink it and also use only water to wash (WARSH!) your face. This means not using chemical cleansers that will dry your skin.

After you've washed away the day's grime and makeup (with a WARSH Cloth, of course),  Don't forget to moisturize, and always with a preservative-free, natural cleanser. Eat a nutritious diet—and especially stay hydrated.

The best tip for anti-aging treatment for the complexion is microcurrent—it’s non-invasive, gives your skin a lovely glow and boost, and a nice plump look and feel to help prevent the look of aging now and in the future.

Preventing wrinkly hands

You should carry hand lotion on you at all times. Hands show the signs of age first and often make you look older than you are. Every time your hands are in water, use lotion. That may be a dozen times a day, but it’s vital if you want them to look soft, smooth, and unwrinkly! Be sure to moisturize them (and yourself) all over before you climb into bed at night.

If you’re taking care of yourself and getting the necessary seven hours (some even say minimum eight hours to fight aging and keep healthy), that’s a lot of hours for your skin to absorb moisture while you sleep.

How is exercise good for your skin ?
We all know how important exercise is for our fitness levels and health. It’s also essential for our skin. Exercise supports muscles all over the body and in the face and neck. The more you exercise, the better your muscle tone and your skin looks, from top to bottom.

Start planned exercise if you're not, and make a habit of using stairs instead of elevators, and parking at the furthest spot in the parking lot. You'll be thankful you did for your overall fitness levels and your muscle tone and skin tone—plus the impact on your health, vitality, and in your skin now and in the decades to come.

“I swear by Microcurrent, WARSHing, and exercise at every opportunity!” Maxine