How to keep your skin moist!

Did you know???
That after you wash (WARSH!) your face with a ‘lovely’ WARSH Cloth or step out of the shower or bath, you shouldn’t dry yourself off. Just do a LIGHT BLOT. Or maybe go with a GENTLE PAT. But make sure your skin is still a little damp-dry. THEN smooth on your face or skin cream and seal in a little moisture for your skin to drink.

This tip works to lock in moisture to your face and your body.

Recap—just do a little light damp-dry all over and then slather on the cream or moisturizer. And, yes! I happen to have a brand new product for you to retain the moisture!

My epiMOIST All-Natural Hydrating Gel works like a flood of moisture to plump and glow and fill any dry gulches the indoor or outdoor climate may be making.

Ageless beauty in a bottle.

The All-Natural epiMOIST is especially perfect for now—whether it’s heat drying your skin indoors or blustery winter outdoors where you are (or even AC — lucky you!) processed air is dryness-inducing for your skin.

It’s important to fight back—naturally, without adding more drying chemicals to your skin. This is why I am so pleased to offer the new epiMOIST All-Natural Hydrating Gel—it’s both a super-moisturizer and toner. Use it any time/all the time but especially in processed air.

Be sure to lock in your moisture content, adding any moisturizing cream or oil you use on top of epiMOIST.

And if you happen to have adult acne, stay tuned for my recommendations on how to deal with that next time. (it includes epiMOIST!).

Take care and stay well. Maxine

Here’s to Your Ageless Beauty!
Anti-Aging Skin Care and Education