Resetting Your Skin for the Great Reopening!

Thanks to the powers that be, we can officially see clients :)

It can't come soon enough.

I sooo... need a haircut. David says he won't recognize me if the lockdown lasts any longer.

I say this because of my skin and not my hair.

In the last few months, while everyone was hunkering down at home, Dr. Yen, the "Mad Scientist," was working on and refining the skin fasting and detox program.

Obviously, I'm happy to be a guinea pig.

Since I wasn't going anywhere, not putting on makeup for two weeks isn't that big a deal.

And you already know, I haven't used soap on my face since forever already, so that's not a challenge for me. 

Not putting any oil or moisturizer on my face?  Well, that's an entirely different story.

My skin felt dry for the first few days.

But to my pleasant surprise, after five days or so, my skin started to produce oil again. And now my skin feels smoother and brighter than ever.

The same thing happened to my good friend and client, Zina.

After two weeks of skin fasting and skin detox, her dry skin got a lot better.  Also, the little blemishes and discoloration had faded.

By avoiding soap, moisturizers, makeup, and anything else on your face for two weeks, you'll allow your skin to breathe, rest, and reset itself.

To celebrate Ontario's reopening 3.0 and to help you get clearer and brighter skin so you can dazzle your friends with how good you look, we want to invite you to join our skin fast and detox makeover.

Here's the best part and the most exciting news—

During the lockdown, we (well, mostly Dr. Yen, the "mad scientist") invested in some new technology. Now we have the ability to see exactly what's going on with your skin by taking pictures of your skin under a microscope!!!

No more guessing to see if you have premature damage to your skin.

No more hoping that the products you put on your skin will do you more good than harm.

By taking a microscopic picture of your skin, you'll be able to discover and identify the cause of any dry skin, blemishes, and discoloration.  

Now that we're officially able to see you in person, we want you to come in and get a free skin analysis and reset your skin with the skin fast and skin detox.

Now that things are slowly getting back to normal (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!), I have a feeling there'll be a lot of partying and gathering in the next while.

We want to help you look your best and be able to wow everyone you haven't seen with how great you look.  

And the best place to start is with our FREE skin analysis before you reset your skin with skin fast and skin detox.

If you want to celebrate the Great Reopening 3.0 with us, and you'd like to join the Skin Reset Makeover and get smoother, brighter skin, let me know.

I'll get you set up.

I'm going to look through some magazines and maybe pick out a new hairstyle for opening day.  

Here's to your ageless beauty,  Maxine

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