Tired Eyes?

They say that eyes don’t lie, and Angie’s eyes say she’s tired.

The puffiness and dark circles are dead giveaways.

It’s gotten so bad her boss wanted to know if she was getting enough sleep.

Angie said she blurted to her boss, “No, no, I’m fine. Perfect.”

Only she wasn’t.

Long story short—as soon as she saw Dr. Yen, she had questions.

Did she need a month-long nap? Or could Face Fitness and microcurrent fix her drooping eyes? HELP!

The answer is YES.  Of course, Face Fitness can help.

You know I’d say that, but it’s not a simple yes.

Face Fitness is not only about working out the facial muscles to lift those droopy eyelids.

We all know the benefits of exercise.

Exercise helps to lift and tone your muscles.
Exercise boosts energy.
Exercise promotes better sleep.
Exercise reduces blood pressure.

It does all that and much more because exercise increases blood circulation and body oxygenation.

Which is what Angie needs if she wants to get rid of her puffiness and dark circles.

Working on your Face Fitness not only helps lift and tone your face, it also increases circulation and oxygenation to your face to help you get rid of those puffy eyes and dark circles.

Your complexion improves all over, and your whole face looks better—like your body does when you’ve exercised, and you’re toned and oxygenated. You look fit.

Only now you’ll be Face Fit. The skin will feel plumper and firmer, have more bounce. Fine lines seem to fade.

Racoon eyes become a thing of the past!

You’ll wave good-bye to the horrible bags, puffiness, and black circles that add years to age.

After going through the Face Fitness Anti-Aging Treatments, Angie said she has way more confidence and energy—and everybody tells her it’s nice to see her smiley face again, even with a mask on! 😊

Her eyes tell the right story.

Let me know if you want to get on the Face Fitness track—learn the-at-home tips, tricks, and techniques to look better and feel better.

We’re thinking of scheduling a Face Fitness Anti-Aging Workshop (on Zoom) on how to bring youth back to your eyes—to help you get rid of those telltale bags, sags, and droops—around the eyes and elsewhere!

Let me know if you would like to watch and learn!

Yours in Ageless Beauty,  Maxine

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